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  • 简介:

    In a remote Bulgarian town, Gana looks after the elderly with dementia, while trafficking their ID cards on the black market of identity theft. At home, she provides for her jobless mother, with whom she hardly speaks. Her relationship with her car-mechanic boyfriend is no shelter for love either - with sexual attraction vanished, intimacy is reduced to an addiction to morphine, and sharing silence. Nothing seems to have consequences on Gana's conscience, even the incidental murder of a pati 展开全部

    In a remote Bulgarian town, Gana looks after the elderly with dementia, while trafficking their ID cards on the black market of identity theft. At home, she provides for her jobless mother, with whom she hardly speaks. Her relationship with her car-mechanic boyfriend is no shelter for love either - with sexual attraction vanished, intimacy is reduced to an addiction to morphine, and sharing silence. Nothing seems to have consequences on Gana's conscience, even the incidental murder of a patient, who threatens to expose her fraudulent dealings. Things start to shake up, when Gana hears the music of Yoan, a new patient, whose ID card she has trafficked. A growing empathy for the old man unlocks the nurse's drugged-up conscience, and she is ready for change. But when Yoan is arrested for fraud, Gana learns that doing 'the right thing' comes at a high price更新时间:2018-08-02 22:25:05 收起全部

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