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5.0分 2017年上映    

  • 简介:

    一组训练有素、身怀技能的特工人员被派遣到一个已经隔绝的军用工厂中执行任务,不料在此期间,工厂的AI系统意外关闭。众人排查原因时,发现自己逐渐陷入了万劫不复的境地。同伴不断因为游走在工厂中的神秘生物而惨遭杀害。剩下的队员不得不一边寻找出路,一边对抗害死同伴的神秘生物。A team of highly trained operatives find themselves trapped inside an isolated military compound after its AI is suddenly shut down. The crew begins to experience strange and horrific phenomena as they attempt to uncover what killed the 展开全部

    一组训练有素、身怀技能的特工人员被派遣到一个已经隔绝的军用工厂中执行任务,不料在此期间,工厂的AI系统意外关闭。众人排查原因时,发现自己逐渐陷入了万劫不复的境地。同伴不断因为游走在工厂中的神秘生物而惨遭杀害。剩下的队员不得不一边寻找出路,一边对抗害死同伴的神秘生物。A team of highly trained operatives find themselves trapped inside an isolated military compound after its AI is suddenly shut down. The crew begins to experience strange and horrific phenomena as they attempt to uncover what killed the previous team.更新时间:2017-10-08 17:40:31 收起全部

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