5.0分 2017年上映
- 主演: 萝西·德·帕尔马劳拉·杜纳丝
- 导演:JoséCorbacho
- 类型: 喜剧剧情
《列车怎么办》以新年夜最后一列从巴塞罗那开往马德里的火车为背景,讲述了在列车因故障停在半道上,一位老年乘客又意外离世之后,乘客之间发生的各种诙谐滑稽的经历。The last train travel of the year from Barcelona to Madrid, suddenly stops by a voltage drop in the middle of nowhere during a fierce snowstorm. Because of the peculiarity of its passengers, will begin to emerge hilarious conflicts between them.更新时间:2017-02-27 08:27:35 展开全部
《列车怎么办》以新年夜最后一列从巴塞罗那开往马德里的火车为背景,讲述了在列车因故障停在半道上,一位老年乘客又意外离世之后,乘客之间发生的各种诙谐滑稽的经历。The last train travel of the year from Barcelona to Madrid, suddenly stops by a voltage drop in the middle of nowhere during a fierce snowstorm. Because of the peculiarity of its passengers, will begin to emerge hilarious conflicts between them.更新时间:2017-02-27 08:27:35 收起全部