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5.2分 2015年上映    

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    《七个盒子》讲述巴拉圭亚森松的夜晚,天气闷热,维克多,一个17岁的手推车男孩,在十分普通的四号市场中梦想着出名,并渴望拥有一部手机,机缘巧合他得到了一份工作,运送7个盒子,并且报酬是100美元,这个看似简单的工作很快就变得复杂起来。箱子里装的东西被各方所垂涎...Its Friday in Asunción and the temperature is 40oC. Victor, a 17 year-old barrow-boy, dreams of becoming famous and cant take his eyes off the TV set in Mercado 4. Hes offered the chance to deliver 7 boxes without knowing what they contain in e 展开全部

    《七个盒子》讲述巴拉圭亚森松的夜晚,天气闷热,维克多,一个17岁的手推车男孩,在十分普通的四号市场中梦想着出名,并渴望拥有一部手机,机缘巧合他得到了一份工作,运送7个盒子,并且报酬是100美元,这个看似简单的工作很快就变得复杂起来。箱子里装的东西被各方所垂涎...Its Friday in Asunción and the temperature is 40oC. Victor, a 17 year-old barrow-boy, dreams of becoming famous and cant take his eyes off the TV set in Mercado 4. Hes offered the chance to deliver 7 boxes without knowing what they contain in exchange for $100. But what sounded like an easy job soon gets complicated. Something in the boxes is highly coveted. Víctor and his persecutors find themselves caught up in a crime they know nothing about.更新时间:2016-04-07 02:34:19 收起全部

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