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uncle nino完整版

uncle nino

6.7分 2003年上映    

  • 简介:

    an elderly italian peasant who barely speaks english, uncle nino (pierrino mascarino) travels to america to reconnect with nephew robert (joe mantegna) and his family (played by anne archer, gina mantegna and trevor morgan). trouble is, nobody communicates because theyre too busy leading hectic, disconnected lives. its up to wise uncle nino to bring them together and teach them whats important in life: each other.更新时间:2015-05-17 05:18:22 展开全部

    an elderly italian peasant who barely speaks english, uncle nino (pierrino mascarino) travels to america to reconnect with nephew robert (joe mantegna) and his family (played by anne archer, gina mantegna and trevor morgan). trouble is, nobody communicates because theyre too busy leading hectic, disconnected lives. its up to wise uncle nino to bring them together and teach them whats important in life: each other.更新时间:2015-05-17 05:18:22 收起全部

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