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7.7分 2011年上映    

  • 简介:

    two weeks before christmas, 1970, the polish communist governmentraised food prices. the next day, gdansk shipyard workers refused to goto work and took to the streets. on thursday december 17, 45 protesterswere shot and killed. the film follows the plight of a family caught upin the violence. this protest and its brutal suppression occurred adecade before the solidarity union emerged to lead the opposition, butthey were events that were clearly preparative for what happened later.更新时间:2015- 展开全部

    two weeks before christmas, 1970, the polish communist governmentraised food prices. the next day, gdansk shipyard workers refused to goto work and took to the streets. on thursday december 17, 45 protesterswere shot and killed. the film follows the plight of a family caught upin the violence. this protest and its brutal suppression occurred adecade before the solidarity union emerged to lead the opposition, butthey were events that were clearly preparative for what happened later.更新时间:2015-05-14 23:15:42 收起全部

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