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    《洛克福德档案第一季》根据上世纪70年代最有名的私人侦探剧改编,讲述私人侦探Jim Rockford专门承接别人办不了或者不敢办的「疑难悬案」的故事。Beau Bridges扮演男主角Jim Rockford的父亲,一个慈祥和蔼的老头。Series about an ex-con-turned-private-investigator named Jim Rockford who would rather run away than fight and would rather go fishing than work. He isnt a coward, and he isnt lazy--just a bit on the cautious side, thats all. And he bears a very strong resemblance to Western TV hero Bret Maverick. Roc 展开全部

    《洛克福德档案第一季》根据上世纪70年代最有名的私人侦探剧改编,讲述私人侦探Jim Rockford专门承接别人办不了或者不敢办的「疑难悬案」的故事。Beau Bridges扮演男主角Jim Rockford的父亲,一个慈祥和蔼的老头。Series about an ex-con-turned-private-investigator named Jim Rockford who would rather run away than fight and would rather go fishing than work. He isnt a coward, and he isnt lazy--just a bit on the cautious side, thats all. And he bears a very strong resemblance to Western TV hero Bret Maverick. Rockford is sometimes aided (and sometimes deterred) in his cases by friends Dennis Becker (a police detective), Angel (his cowardly former cellmate) and pretty Beth Davenport (his lawyer). Written by Marty McKee更新时间:2018-06-08 02:12:18 收起全部

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