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    Alex will face challenges in Season 2 that make him question his true goals, and test him in ways he didn't expect. Tommy, TJ, and the whole cast of characters will grow and change and the show will go deeper into their relationships and their lives. Season 1 was just the beginning -- wait til you see what we've got in store for you next!更新时间:2017-06-24 17:57:49 展开全部

    Alex will face challenges in Season 2 that make him question his true goals, and test him in ways he didn't expect. Tommy, TJ, and the whole cast of characters will grow and change and the show will go deeper into their relationships and their lives. Season 1 was just the beginning -- wait til you see what we've got in store for you next!更新时间:2017-06-24 17:57:49 收起全部

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