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4.8分 1990年上映    

  • 简介:

    The rock star Brian Walker's Wife is surprised by her husband shagging another woman in the bathroom in a party. Brian asks for divorce, and Brian hires a security company to spy on her to prove that she is unfaithful and has love affairs. The security guard Will Griffith hides a camera in her bedroom and peeps on Nicky having sex with her lover but he hides the truth from Brian. Will protects Nicky from the violent Brian and they have ...展开更多>> 简介 :The rock star Brian Wal 展开全部

    The rock star Brian Walker's Wife is surprised by her husband shagging another woman in the bathroom in a party. Brian asks for divorce, and Brian hires a security company to spy on her to prove that she is unfaithful and has love affairs. The security guard Will Griffith hides a camera in her bedroom and peeps on Nicky having sex with her lover but he hides the truth from Brian. Will protects Nicky from the violent Brian and they have ...展开更多>> 简介 :The rock star Brian Walker's Wife is surprised by her husband shagging another woman in the bathroom in a party. Brian asks for divorce, and Brian hires a security company to spy on her to prove that she is unfaithful and has love affairs. The security guard Will Griffith hides a camera in her bedroom and peeps on Nicky having sex with her lover but he hides the truth from Brian. Will protects Nicky from the violent Brian and they have a love affair. Nicky gets a restraint order against Brian... 收起全部

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